Apple Mac products & support in Kassel
The clarity of Apple's philosophy fascinates us. We work on Mac computers ourselves and also support them for you.
What we can do for you
- Hardware sales
- Repair your Apple computers
- Repair your iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, ...)
- Hard drive installation and conversion
- Memory upgrade
- Network technology
- and everything that isn't listed here, of course

An apple a day keeps the pain away
That's right - we know that from many years of experience. That's why we develop our software on Apple devices for all platforms. Why? Because we share the Apple philosophy and value the low to non-existent technology hassle. And because that's the case, we also repair and maintain your Apple hardware, because you can't get any closer than we are!
Michael Hartwig is responsible for this area. With around 20 years of professional experience in the Mac sector, he is a “Certified Mac Technician” and can advise you in a professional AND friendly manner (yes, we can do both!).

Michael Hartwig
Mail: michael.hartwig@segmeno.de
Web: www.mac-kassel.de
Tel: 49 561 766 44 3993
Fax: +49 561 766 44 3999