Individual software for individual tasks – that’s the only way it works.

Individual software solutions
We have been developing individual software for our customers for more than 15 years, especially in the telecommunications industry. Huge amounts of data have to be processed, stored and analyzed. Here we have developed a method to compress the data enormously. This process means that the data cannot be read without the tool installed on site and is therefore protected from unauthorized access. Extensive analysis options have been implemented and allow our customers to solve inquiries and problems quickly and competently.

Telecommunications professionals
Another big area is the conversion of technical data into money. A generic rating engine has been developed that can rate virtually any information using a configurable pricing model. The pricing model allows very simple pricing (one time, flat, usage) to highly complex pricing structures (scaled and tiered rates, scaled and tiered discounts, buckets, minimum commitments, basic charges, etc.). The results are passed on to a billing engine that controls the entire billing process.
Especially in the telecommunications industry, basic data, the so-called CDRs (Call Data Records), is exchanged to verify billing complaints. This can potentially be millions of records. Without the support of suitable software, editing is almost impossible. In addition to the specific requirements, it is clear that when selecting the technological platform, the general conditions, operating requirements and economic viability must always be taken into account. On this basis, we have specialized in technologies that allow the requirements to be implemented optimally and cost-effectively. Technologically, we concentrate on the two currently dominant platforms, Java and .NET.
We make these many years of experience, our business know-how and technical expertise available to our customers to help them solve their IT requirements.
At the end of the day, every business needs to be profitable. We support our customers in this.

Your contact person:
Thorsten Brostmeyer